Monday, September 7, 2009

July - is it summer yet?

They have the cutest swimsuits, but since it is so cold this summer, I figured I better make my own opportunity to take a photo of them in it, because we're never gonna make it to the beach in this weather!
Nora and her fairy-God-sister, Helen
Stella rolls from her back to her front!
Mmmmm...rice cereal. Ok, maybe not delicious. Stella will eat a few bites. Nora won't even open her mouth. Apparently, they are connoisseurs of cuisine with refined tastes...perhaps we should try some salmon pate'.
We spent a weekend vacationing in Brainerd at Cragun's where one of the fun things we did was take a ride on a trolley pulled by Clydesdales.
And another fun time spending a day at Valley Fair!